
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Num Slide: Puzzle This Privacy Policy describes how dev_zone ("we", "us", or "our") collects, uses, and discloses information collected from users ("you" or "your") of the Num Slide: Puzzle game. Information Collection and Use We collect certain information when you interact with our app, Num Slide: Puzzle, including personally identifiable information and non-personal information. This information is used to provide and improve the game experience, including the delivery of advertisements. Types of Information Collected: Personally Identifiable Information (PII) : When you interact with advertisements in the app, third-party ad networks and advertisers may collect information such as your device's advertising identifier (e.g., IDFA for iOS devices, AAID for Android devices) and IP address for purposes of ad targeting and measurement. Please refer to the respective privacy policies of these third-party services fo